
Our Enterprise » Presentation

ALGA is at core of development. Excellence is our passion

ALGA belongs to MARITALIA Group which started its activities since 1984. Group Member of ( IATA, ISSA, IMPA, FIATA), is also part of the network ECU-LINE, ECU-AIR, HCL, SPED.MAR, TRANSCAUSSE . By its position, its performance and its permanent concern

for customer satisfaction, the group benefited from the certification of ISO 9001 quality system.

ALGA is a company specializing in providing turnkey solutions in telecoms and broadcasting for operators and enterprises wishing to develop or expand their infrastructure. ALGA company become one of the pioneers in the sector of telecommunications and broadcasting in Senegal and Africa since its inception, thanks to successful experiences in these sectors in project management and specialized subcontractors.

For this purpose, ALGA has been establish relationships of strategic partnerships with the most well-known international actors in telecommunications sector and broadcasting . ALGA enjoys the confidence of its partners for accuracy in their works.

ALGAis an important company in Senegalese territory and continues to contribute to job creation and ongoing development of the telecom sector in all its aspects.

ALGA is up and running both in senegal and sub - region. Soon offices ALGA in Ivory Cost, Burkina Fasso, Niger and Equatorial Guinea. Since its inception , ALGA ensures furnishing of Telecommunications equipments and devices to operators, including SONATEL SENTEL (TIGO) ORANGE Bissau, Conakry ORANGE MTN Bissau SOTELMA, Orange Mali, SENELEC, RTS, U.S. Embassy, ​​French Army, etc...

In addition ALGA ensures supply and provision then transports on site, services for towers (all desired dimensions), battery all ranges (start, stationary, UPS, etc ...). Its products are deemed high quality. ALGA performs studies, sizing, installation, comissioning, drive testing and maintenance site..Also we have several partners abroad, including France, Italy, Belgium, Turkey and in many other countries.

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