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ALGA prominently in the phone and always contributing to job creation and ongoing development of the high technology sector, including the telecoms in all its aspects.
Therefore the telecommunications are transmissions distance of information with means of electronic database and computer.
To this end ALGA is supplying equipment to large companies based in Senegal and the sub-region, including SONATEL, TIGO, Orange Bissau, Orange Mali, MTN Bissau SOTELMA, SENELEC, RTS, U.S. Embassy, French Army , etc…
The expertise of ALGA and his engineers are not limited only to the achievement of towers, shelters, commissioning, commissioning of BTS, microwave, optics fiber, etc ... but also in the field of electrical: Primary and secondary energy.
This energy then quantified by our qualified experts is at your disposal for energy solutions that meet your needs.
They are the powers supplies that feed the functional equipments of transmitting information to the BTS antenna sites and microwave considered as the relay network coverage , etc...
ALGA continues to handle its projects and work for clients. The Works sites of ALGA are widely in Senegal and the sub-region:
» Study plans
» Manufacturing plans
» Audit of existing sites
» Achieving concrete studies
»Feasibility studies on the terrace or ground
The ALGA engineers ensure feasibility study and site planning to prepare the foundations for equipment. ALGA has made huge achievements in the telecoms sector across the sub-region near 5000 sites and maintaining it.
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